Credit card declined for people living in France

Hi, I’ve a non prepaid card. I live in France. My credit card keeps being declined. Do you have any idea. Is it due to currency ? ($/€) ?

In my experience the credit card issuer decides if they are supporting international charges. call them to find out.

My bank supports international chargers. I’ve already paid with my card in non-euro websites

Any help, please! I’ve tried with a friend’s VISA card and it gives the same error!

Can you detail the nature of the error? exact message?

Did his card get any sort of authorization attempt?
If not, the issue may be with Lambda’s payment processor and attention should be paid there.

Please note: I am not with Lambda, just a curious end user trying to share my experiences.

If I were you I would try to call lambda and get them to address the issue over the phone rather than try to get help over the forum.

Best of luck.

PS - You could always move to a civilized country (just kidding :slight_smile: )

Did you resolve that issue? I’m also encountering it…

I have the same problem. My Boursorama and Revolut cards get declined. They work fine for AWS.

The message is “Your card has been declined.” while adding a payment method.

It appears it was a problem on LambdaLabs side. After a message in chat to support , they fixed it and I was able to add Revolut as payment method.

For anyone revisiting this thread in 2024 or later, Lambda no longer supports virtual debit cards of any kind. These Revolut cards will get blocked, same as any other debit card.