Error MailboxError: transport failed with wandb

I am getting this error when trying to use wandb on a LambdaLabs instance:

MailboxError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 import wandb
----> 2 wandb.init(project=‘test’)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wandb/sdk/ in init(job_type, dir, config, project, entity, reinit, tags, group, name, notes, magic, config_exclude_keys, config_include_keys, anonymous, mode, allow_val_change, resume, force, tensorboard, sync_tensorboard, monitor_gym, save_code, id, settings)
1164 if logger is not None:
1165 logger.exception(str(e))
→ 1166 raise e
1167 except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
1168 assert logger

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wandb/sdk/ in init(job_type, dir, config, project, entity, reinit, tags, group, name, notes, magic, config_exclude_keys, config_include_keys, anonymous, mode, allow_val_change, resume, force, tensorboard, sync_tensorboard, monitor_gym, save_code, id, settings)
1145 except_exit = wi.settings._except_exit
1146 try:
→ 1147 run = wi.init()
1148 except_exit = wi.settings._except_exit
1149 except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e:

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wandb/sdk/ in init(self)
790 run_start_handle = backend.interface.deliver_run_start(run._run_obj)
791 # TODO: add progress to let user know we are doing something
→ 792 run_start_result = run_start_handle.wait(timeout=30)
793 if run_start_result is None:
794 run_start_handle.abandon()

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wandb/sdk/lib/ in wait(self, timeout, on_probe, on_progress, release, cancel)
279 if self._keepalive and self._interface:
280 if self._interface._transport_keepalive_failed():
→ 281 raise MailboxError(“transport failed”)
283 found, abandoned = self._slot._get_and_clear(timeout=wait_timeout)

MailboxError: transport failed

It is a fresh instance, I also tried to terminate and launch a new one, same problem.
It is working on other environments that I have (only on LambdaLabs it is not working).
I also tried to use another wandb account, same problem.