1080 Ti vs Titan V vs V100
Here are the benchmarks comparing the GTX 1080 Ti to the new Titan V (Volta Architecture). Note that the V100 is the same chip as the Titan V so it would perform almost exactly the same.
Stephen Balaban s@lambdal.com, Chuan Li c@lambdal.com, Steven Clarkson sc@lambdal.com
System Software:
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Framework(s): Tensorflow 1.4.1, CUDA 9, cuDNN 7
System Hardware:
Lambda Quad Deep Learning Workstation
CPU: 1x i7-6850k
GPU: 4x Titan V GPU, 4x 1080Ti
Inception v3 (Synthetic Data)
Inceptionv3 (Synthetic Data) in (Images / Sec)
1080 85
1080Ti 136
Titan V 190
VGG19 (Synthetic Data)
VGG19 (Synthetic Data) in (Images / Sec)
1080 63
1080Ti 107
Titan V 147
Essentially between 37% to 40% more throughput on the Titan V compared with the 1080Ti.