No GPU (nvidia-smi failed)

Hi, i’ve been sucessfully using 1xH100 instances in the last few days, and every day i would launch/terminate instance.
Today i have a problem, it seems that no gpu is detected on system:
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

I tried:
apt update && apt install
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-545 (doesn’t work)
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-535 (doesn’t work)

rebooting in between steps as well
nothing helped

Did you ever get a resolution to this? I can’t get nvidia-smi to find any GPU’s on an H100 instance

Having the same issue here on my Tensorbook

i contacted customer service and they asked me to run additional commands and send logs to them. but, when i started new instance, problem dissapeared. so i guess there was intermittent issue or issue with just that instance i got.