We have a Lambda Labs workstation running on 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver), the NVIDIA driver stopped loading after an user upgraded GCC few days ago. I have tried to uninstall and reinstalled the Lambda Stack for deep learning that is supposed to covered the NVIDIA drivers with all the deep learning modules like cuda, tensorflow and pytorch.
I have been researching on this issue for couple of days, and any helps would be greatly appreciated. I have checked that secure boot is disabled, and nvidia is not blacklisted in modprobe.d, and I have seen and tried other suggestions I found in other posts but nothing has worked so far. As far as I can tell, the compiled driver is 515.65.01 and GCC is 9.4.0
I would recommend sending a email to ‘support@lambdal.com’
With the ‘nvidia-bug-report.log.gz’ from ‘sudo nvidia-bug-report.sh’
and the ‘dpkg.txt’ from ‘sudo dpkg --list > dpkg.txt’
Also if you can showing the output of the:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
It should show the conflicts
In the past there was a common issue of the build would only work with specific GCC versions, so as long as it is the default that ships with Ubuntu LTS it should work. (the linux-generic-hwe-*, should only be the one for that ubuntu version).