Hello. This lamdastack is 2 titan v computer.
I install the Anaconda because I had to work python 2.7 and python 3 both in same computer.
I thought that if I just remove the bashrc about anaconda setting I can use lambdar setting and anaconda at the same time.
However it looks like it is not that simple.
I need to use anaconda. So is it already installed every cuda and cudnn?
or is it installed complied cuda and cudnn like conda.
Thank you.
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Interested in the answer to this question too. I suspect Anaconda is not part of the lambda stack as it is not listed on the web-page. But would be good to know for sure!
We don’t support Anaconda + Lambda Stack. Lambda stack already has support for 2.7 and 3 so you shouldn’t need to install Anaconda for that purpose.