I am guessing this is a tensorbook/Desktop/Workstation type machine
This should be working. Something may have not gone correctly with the dist upgrade.
This should be the:
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop
One common issue is they boot but have blank screen when they boot.
This is commonly a issue with:
To fix that:
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Or another issue I have seen is that hibernate/sleep was enabled.
And after a few minutes the screen goes blank and does not wake up.
The fix to that is (disable sleep, suspend, hibernate).
sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target
If you want those enabled (normally on a tensorbook) it should work, but we may need
to look at the reason why.
I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop on two machines with Lambda stack.
And one is installed the way you from the document you listed and the other is installed with the new script.
So it should be solvable. If you have a supported machine feel free to send to ‘support@lambdal.com’ and someone should be able to help you work through it.
If there were errors during the install, may give a idea also.